10 negative effects of smoking on mental health


A psychopath

If you are mentally ill and a smoker, you do not think there is a solution, but you do not. Lots of people like you are mentally ill people who have successfully quit smoking. These people are enjoying a better and happier life.
You just have to be more discerning with the help you give others.

If you are wondering what to gain from quitting smoking, it is true. You will feel more energetic and healthy. Doing so increases your chances of reducing your daily medication.

The secret to longevity and good health


This way, you can save up to 100 riyals a day if you quit smoking. You can be more energetic and energetic. You say it's a mistake if I don't quit smoking.
If you suffer from mental illness, you are more likely to smoke than others. This is why your smoking harms you the most. Smoking kills people every year.

Chances of premature death

It is estimated that smoking can reduce your lifespan by ten to twelve years.
Respiratory and cardiac diseases associated with smoking. Diabetes and many other types of cancer are more likely to develop.

Heart health and smoking


If you have a heart condition, you are more likely to smoke. The more you smoke, the greater your risk of developing the following diseases.
Mental illness is more likely to occur, but the exact cause is unknown.


Alcohol and drug abuse is likely to worsen mental health. Other issues related to smoking. Men are more likely to have impotence. Women smoking problems. Decreased fertility. Difficulties during pregnancy.

The birth of sick and weak children
Cigarette smoke is also dangerous for people who do not smoke but breathe smoke. There is still time. Even if you have smoked since you were a child.

You will feel better and healthier if you quit smoking

After quitting smoking, some people do not feel well for a while. It usually heals quickly, but if you cannot tolerate it, see a doctor. There is a mild cough for a while after quitting smoking and it is usually temporary but sometimes recovery takes a few months.

When the idea of ​​smoking came to mind

Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, start doing or thinking about something else and keep yourself busy. Whenever you feel the need to smoke, consult your doctor or health professional. This advice alone may suffice for you. You can get help from any person, group, friend or health professional who also stops smoking.


Quitting smoking causes severe pain from the urge to smoke, which can be eliminated by injecting nicotine into your body without smoking. There are three different types of skin blemishes, chewing gums and inhalers. Sometimes their use can itch your skin, tongue, nose, and throat, but they usually heal quickly.


This medication reduces the urge to smoke significantly, but its use reduces sleep. If someone has epilepsy or bipolar disorder, this medicine should not be used.

Fernie Klein

This medicine reduces your desire to smoke. But using it can make you feel very anxious, sleepless and sad in nature. These side effects are still being studied, so people with mental illness should avoid using Verne Clean.
Suddenly, it is not necessary to quit smoking completely. Rather, in the first stage. You can also reduce smoking with the help of NRT.


It is true that it will be more difficult for you to quit smoking than others, but it will not increase the symptoms of the disease.

The effects of smoking on drugs
Smoking affects some medications so that you have to take more drugs than people who do not smoke. So when you quit smoking, the amount of medicine in your blood may increase in a few days and your doctor may have to reduce a quarter of the medicine. But if you start smoking again, you will have to take the first dose of the drug.

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