Joint pain and swelling

Joint pain and swelling is a painful disease. Occurs mostly in the elderly. If it is also found mostly in children and adolescents. Most joint pain or swelling is treated in different ways. Surgery, injections, and medication are the most beneficial. However, research has shown that temporary treatment is possible with these methods. No there is no permanent cure for the disease. Here are some tips to help you not only prevent the disease from invading, but also to treat the disease with a variety of foods.

Turmeric and ginger

Turmeric and ginger tea naturally contain antioxidants that
Most are beneficial in joint pain or swelling. To treat joint pain or swelling, use half a teaspoon of ground ginger and half a teaspoon of turmeric and honey mixed to taste in two cups of boiled water.

Massage with olive oil

Massaging the joints with olive oil greatly reduces the chances of pain or loss of bone marrow.

Golden raisins Raisins cause joint pain

The sulfides contained in raisins are a natural and easy treatment for joint pain. Raisins should only be golden in color. The ingredients in Piston White and Grape Juice Piston are very useful in keeping the joints of the body in pairs. While the space created in the joints causes the person to suffer, the use of pistons prevents this space from being created. Grape juice naturally contains antibiotics that relieve joint pain.


Magnesium is also beneficial in joint pain along with relaxing physical muscles. People who eat a diet rich in magnesium strengthen their bones and do not suffer from joint pain.

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