How to eat a persimmon food


That is why it is also called the Japanese fruit. This fruit, like orange or tomato, is known for its sweetness and honey-like flavor, and as noted, there are now hundreds of varieties around the world, some of which are more famous.

The fruit is also eaten fresh, dried, or cooked, while jelly, drinks, pies, curries and desserts are made all over the world.

Not only is it delicious, but it also contains a lot of nutrients that can be beneficial to health in many ways.

Learn the benefits of avocado or Japanese fruit so you can make this season's gift a part of your diet.

Rich in nutrients

Its quantity is not high, but its nutritional content is impressive. In fact, the fruit contains 118 calories, 31 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein, 0.3 grams of fat, 6 grams of fiber, 55% of vitamin A per day. 22% vitamin C, 6% vitamin E, 5% vitamin K, 8% vitamin B6, 8% potassium, 9% copper, 30% magnesium. The percentage is available for the body.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains many plant compounds such as flavonoids and carotene, which have positive health effects.

Powerful source of antioxidants

As mentioned above, it contains plant compounds that have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage from oxidative stress, which damages molecules that are also free radicals. It said.

This oxidative stress can cause various diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and brain disorders such as Alzheimer's, but the use of antioxidants such as foods rich in Japanese fruits can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of these specific diseases. I can help what we can do.

Foods rich in flavonoids are also thought to be beneficial in protecting against heart disease, dementia, and lung cancer, and this fruit is also found in the body.

Due to the presence of beta-carotene, this fruit can also help reduce the risk of heart disease, various types of cancer, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes or blood pressure.


Potentially beneficial to heart health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and affects the lives of millions of people. Fortunately, to prevent different types of heart disease, it is possible to avoid various factors such as malnutrition.

The combination of the various ingredients in Japanese fruits makes it an ideal heart-healthy choice, as it was mentioned above just how beneficial their content can be for heart health.

But it is also known that foods rich in flavonoids can help improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels in the heart, while also reducing inflammation.

It may reduce physical infections

Heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and obesity are all linked to chronic inflammation.

But eating foods rich in an anti-inflammatory compound reduces the risk of disease by reducing inflammation.

Japanese fruit is a good source of Vitamin C. As mentioned earlier, 22% of your daily requirement can be obtained from one fruit. This vitamin plays a role in protecting cells from free radicals and helps the body fight infections. Preparing for

Research reports have found that high intake of vitamin C in the diet reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases such as heart disease, bladder cancer, and diabetes.

Japanese fruits also contain carotene, flavonoids, and vitamin E, all of which are antioxidants that help fight inflammation.

Full of fiber

High levels of cholesterol in the body, especially LDL cholesterol which is considered harmful, increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attacks.

Consuming foods rich in water that are rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetables help lower cholesterol levels.

As mentioned earlier, Japanese fruit is a high-fiber fruit that can reduce harmful cholesterol levels.

One study found that adults who ate a candy made from the fiber found in Japanese fruit three times daily for 12 weeks had very low levels of harmful cholesterol.

Fiber also normalizes bowel activity and is beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels.

The fiber in this fruit

 It slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugars, which makes it possible to stop the rise in blood sugar levels.

Another study in diabetics found that using water-soluble dietary fiber increased blood sugar.

The level improves dramatically, while the fiber helps nourish the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which has a positive effect on the digestive system and overall health.

It helps in healthy vision is being

Japanese fruit contains vitamin A and antioxidants that are essential for eye health. Vitamin A helps with various eye functions.

Additionally, Japanese fruits contain lutein and zeaxanthin and the antioxidants carotene that are beneficial for eyesight. A diet rich in each of these ingredients may reduce your risk of developing certain eye diseases such as muscle aging. Weakness that may lead to cataracts and Vision loss.

Delicious and readily available

It can be part of a diet in a number of ways, such as peeling and running it.

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