Measures to keep stroke away from yourself

Blood vessel problems, thickening or clogging of the blood are fatal. This problems can lead to lif _threatening illnesses such as heart attacks and strokes. It can damage the lungs and other organs.

Types of stroke

There are 2 types of stroke.

1 Blood supply to the brain is interrupted after blood vessels become clogged.

2 In which blood seems to flow from the arteries to the brain. The symptoms of these two types of stroke are the same and it is important for everyone to be aware of them.

If you want to avoid this deadly disease in life, then following a few things can help.

Use of medicines

Timely use of blood pressure, diabetes and heart health medicines is essential. you are concerned about their side effects. Please consult a doctor before discontinuing their use.


Exercise is important in helping you maintain a healthy body weight and control your blood pressure. Exercise also reduces the risk of stroke. Participate in 35 minutes of exercise or physical activity that causes sweating.


Obesity and various diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. All three factors increase the risk of stroke. If they weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Exercise with a healthy diet.


Harmful Cholesterol Increases LDL and Beneficial HDL Cholesterol levels seem to accumulate in the arteries. Which reduces blood flow. Which increases the risk of stroke. Reducing fats and edible oils in your diet helps lower LDL levels. Also, doctors may prescribe medications that can help control cholesterol.

Blood pressure

If the blood pressure is high and not taken care of, the risk of stroke also increases a lot. Adults should have their blood pressure checked every month and see a doctor if their blood pressure is high. It can also be prevented by changing your diet and making exercise a habit.

heart beat

Random heartbeat increases the risk of stroke by 50 times. If the heartbeat becomes distorted or its order changes, consult a doctor to find out the cause and if paralysis is diagnosed, it can be treated with medication. If the risk of blood clots can be reduced.


Diabetes affects the body's ability to use glucose. Which is an important source of energy for the brain and cells. Affecting this ability increases the risk of stroke. So it is important to keep an eye on blood sugar levels and follow the doctor's instructions.


Fiber should be included in your daily diet. This reduces the risk of stroke by up to 10%. Require 20 grams of fiber throughout the day. Fiber can be obtained from fruits with commodities and vegetables.


Research has shown that eating a small amount of dark chocolate a day reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke in such people. In which the risk of heart disease is higher. But avoid overeating this sweet gift. Dark chocolate is also high in sugar and fat.


Smoking increases the risk of blood clots, blood clots and narrowing of the arteries. All of this can lead to paralysis.

Food choices

A balanced diet based on fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and commodities balances cholesterol levels. This also reduces the risk of clotting and blood clots in the arteries. It also protects against other problems that can increase the risk of stroke. Diabetes and hypertension.

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