Some people's veins are more swollen

Your ability is like a cell phone that carries fresh air through your bloodstream.
According to research, people do not pay much attention to the disease of the veins until it suddenly emerges from the inside of the skin. If veins suddenly appear on the hand, what could be the reason?

In fact, it is not uncommon for veins to appear in this way, but sometimes they indicate various medical problems. Often the causes are natural. About they are not a threat to health.

Transparent skin

People with fair skin are more likely to develop veins than people with darker skin. Having thin skin like this can also be a reason. Although aging reduces the layer of fat inside the skin. As a result, veins begin to appear and this is why the veins in the hands or feet of the elderly are often very noticeable. But some people's veins are naturally very close to the surface of the skin.


Sudden swelling of the veins during exercise is common. Whenever the muscles move during physical activity, the veins protrude towards the surface of the skin. The veins also become noticeable when the muscles return to their natural shape after exercise.

Pregnant women

Some pregnant women experience varicose veins and this is not a sign of danger. In pregnant women the blood circulation increases and the veins try to adapt to its growth. Blood vessels have to overtime the circulation of blood inside the body of pregnant women. As a result, the veins often become prominent. Which may also disappear after the baby is born.

Physical weakness

Low levels of body fat can also lead to the formation of veins. The layer of fat inside the skin of thin people is also thinner and this thin layer makes the veins more visible instead of covering them.

When to contact a doctor?

In most cases, the appearance of veins is normal and beneficial for health, not to worry about. If a few other symptoms such as chest pain with the emergence of capillaries. Difficulty breathing. A doctor should be consulted if there is a fistula or swelling near the veins. While it can cause various medical problems.

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